Lochmann Apps - Seite 5
Benjamin Lochmann Apps

Padkick Online - IPhone App

Padkick Online

Padkick is a multiplayer game which you can play with gamers all over the world. You steer a circle as a gamer and you have to try to shoot the ... more
Foto Love Story - du spielst mit! - IPhone App

Photo Love Story - you're in it!

You always wanted the lead role in a photo love story? Then this app is perfect for you! Be one of the three main characters in a funny photo love story! Take ... more
Einkaufsliste Teilen - IPhone App

Shared Shopping List

With our Share Shopping List app, you can get rid of the traditional shopping list on paper. The list is saved online, so you can share it with anybody anytime. ... more
Schulden merken - IPhone App

Remember Debts

Do friends constantly lend your money? Is it getting hard to keep track? Well, you should download Remember Debts! This app gives you an overview of who owes you how ... more
Gedächtnis-Trainer - IPhone App

Retention Trainer

Is it hard for you to remember things? Are you forgetful? Then this memory trainer is right for you: this game will show you 4 different pictures, you have 10 ... more