2186 Crosswords
Benjamin Lochmann Apps

2186 Crosswords

Get our new crossword app and have an ultimate blast with our puzzles.
2,186 Crosswords is divided into 3 levels of difficulty and is offered in 9 different languages!

The features:
- all scores are saved
- you can either enter the answer in one go as a complete word or by entering letter for letter
- notification if the entry is correct (can be turned off)
- "Solve" function, should you be stuck
- endless many unique puzzles
- zoom in and zoom out function
- puzzle completeness is expressed as a percentage

We offer the puzzles in the following languages:
- English
- German
- Turkish
- Italian
- French
- Spanish
- Russian
- Swedish
- Polish

The puzzles are offered in the following levels of difficulty:
- easy
- medium
- hard

If you're stuck you can solve the question with your credits or unlock a new puzzle.

It's easy to get more credits:
- you get credits for starting the app once per day
- if you have completed a puzzle
- by recommending the app to a friend
- or through in-app purchase

Get our crossword app for free!

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