Egg Chef
Benjamin Lochmann Apps

Egg Chef

Are you tired of eggs not turning out the way you want them?
Does it annoy you, that every time you want a hard-boiled egg you get a soft-boiled one instead?
Well, then 'Egg Chef' might be answer to your breakfast-nightmares! With this app we promise, that your eggs will turn out just right!
The only thing you have to do is type in the following information:
How hard/soft do you want your egg to be?
How big is your egg?
Which temperature does the egg have at the moment (did you just get it out of the fridge? Or is it just coming from a trip to Barbados?)?
Then, all you have to do is wait for the bell to ring!
And voilà! You have THE PERFECT BOILED EGG!
Thanks Chef!

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