Unnecessary knowledge
Benjamin Lochmann Apps

Unnecessary knowledge

Did you know 123456 is the most frequently used password on the internet?
Or did you know that “Rhinotillexomania” is the medical term for picking your nose?
If not, this App is just the thing for you.
We have collected around 1,300 useless facts from all over the world and put them into an App.

The facts are listed in 18 different categories:
- Around the World
- Celebs
- Computers
- Europe
- Food and drink
- History
- Languages
- Laws and Regulations
- Love and Sex
- Maths, Physics and Chemistry
- Records
- Religion
- Statistics
- The Human Body
- The Plant World and The Animal Kingdom
- The USA
- TV & Film
- Others

You can save your favourite facts too. They’ll be listed in extra category “Favourites.”

The facts aren’t quite as useless as the name suggests though ... Some of them have been asked on “Who wants to be a Millionaire?”

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